The benefits of exercise on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health have been lauded for what seems like decades now. Whether reading peer-reviewed journals or scrolling through pictures on Facebook depicting the new CrossFit obsession, one thing becomes apparent, exercise has its benefits. But what is the connection between...
Staying Sober: 4 Tips for The Holidays
The Holidays Can Be Tough for Those Just Out of Alcohol and Drug Rehab There may be parties for hosting and marshmallows for toasting, but the holidays can be a hardship for those in recovery. The stress of traveling, shopping, finances, expectations, or even a trip down memory lane...
Top 7 Spiritual Journey Destinations – Recovery Connection
Many people in recovery constantly search for a deeper understanding. They look to find their spiritual center and enhance their time here on earth and thereafter. For those of us that have or wish to have a religious or spiritual way of life, our quality of recovery greatly depends...
Socializing: Making the Right Choices at Staff Events
Browsing your work inbox one day, you come across the following message: Subject: Holiday Party cc: All Departments The rest of the email contains the where and when, but all you can focus on is the last line: “Open bar! Join us as we celebrate the end of another...
Struggling with Addiction and Surviving the Holidays
The holidays are a stressful time for everyone. Between gift-giving, travel, and keeping up with all parts of the ever-complicated modern family unit, nearly anyone can find themselves driven towards the nearest coping mechanism, whatever that may be. However, for recovering addicts, or those still struggling with an active...
Step 8: The Difference Between Apologies and Making Amends
There is no shame in making mistakes or in recognizing them. In fact, those who are able to stand on their own and admit their wrongdoings are courageous and admirable people. From the cradle to the grave, we will all make errors in judgment and struggle to find a...
Amending old, and Making new Friends, When in Recovery
Now that you’re in recovery it’s time to become even more intentional about the type of people with whom you spend time. As you seek to establish healthy patterns in your life — and to leave behind the destruction of the past — it’s essential to surround yourself with...
Community Involvement: 5 Tips for “Getting out there”
Your time in treatment has given you a wealth of tools to use for engaging in relationships. Relationships are the foundation of making meaning in life. Now that you are on the path of recovery from substance abuse or a mental illness, you have found a new meaning in...
7 Ways To Ask For Help When You’re Struggling With Addiction
By Beth Leipholtz Originally posted on The Fix Hibiscus : Prepared from the sepals of the hibiscus flower, it is helpful in weight management. viagra purchase uk He will help you to boost your sexual life with no artificial supports, for example Fezinil capsule minus negative reactions and other unnatural...
How Addiction Affects the Mind, Body and Soul
When addiction rears its ugly head, the mind, body and soul suffers. These aspects of one’s well-being are affected in various ways and can differ in each person. Identifying how addiction deteriorates each one of these areas will help you gauge how severe the addiction has gotten so that...