Sometimes our past struggles, can weigh heavily on our shoulders, holding us back and preventing us from living in the moment and being who we really want to be. Erectile dysfunction has nothing to do with a lack of sex cheapest tadalafil india drive. Starting this week pill sildenafil...
Step 4: Truth
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. “This step requires self-examination that can be uncomfortable, but honesty is essential in this process. The key is to identify any areas of past regret, embarrassment, guilt or anger.” In the first three steps of the 12-step program, you’ve admitted that...
Relapse Triggers: Recognizing and Avoiding the “Slip”.
Staying sober requires more than just awareness. It takes a commitment to staying vigilant during good times, but also during times of triggers that can bring on a relapse. Some relapse triggers are obvious, such as frequenting local bars or wandering around the neighbourhoods you know have drug activity....
Step 3: Surrendering to a Higher Power
“Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” 12-Step programs don’t require a belief in God, just a power greater than oneself. Individuals get to choose what that power is. A Higher Power can be the AA program itself...
Step 2: Hope.
“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” The moment they read Step Two, most A.A. newcomers are confronted with a dilemma, sometimes a serious one. How often have we heard them cry out, “Look what you people have done to us! You...
Step 1: Admission, Surrender, and Acceptance
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.” Originally posted at Recovery Place, January 2015 The journey of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and many other recovery programs starts with Step One. In this step we admit we are powerless...
Taking Care of YOU: Healing Your Body After Addiction Recovery
Originally posted from Lucida Treatment. Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a long journey and getting clean is a huge accomplishment. The impact of drugs on the brain and mental health are well documented, but years of drug abuse can also take a heavy toll on the body....
Battling Depression While in Recovery
Depression is more than just feeling a bit down. It is a medical illness that involves both mental and physical elements. Depression can impact every aspect of your life and can make normal functioning almost impossible. It is estimated that 850,000 commit suicide as a result of depression each year....
Guide to Employment After Addiction Recovery
A stigma follows those who go to drug or alcohol treatment for addiction, which can make it extremely difficult for them to move on after rehab and gain employment to support themselves and their families legally. Many addicts feel like they have to lie in order to even have...
Romance and Sobriety: When Is it Time to Try?
It’s normal in early recovery to feel lonely and want to get close to another person. For many, this means dating. But is looking for a new relationship, or just playing the field in early recovery, a wise thing to do? How do you know when it’s okay for...