The holidays are a stressful time for everyone. Between gift-giving, travel, and keeping up with all parts of the ever-complicated modern family unit, nearly anyone can find themselves driven towards the nearest coping mechanism, whatever that may be. However, for recovering addicts, or those still struggling with an active...
seeking help
Step 8: The Difference Between Apologies and Making Amends
There is no shame in making mistakes or in recognizing them. In fact, those who are able to stand on their own and admit their wrongdoings are courageous and admirable people. From the cradle to the grave, we will all make errors in judgment and struggle to find a...
7 Ways To Ask For Help When You’re Struggling With Addiction
By Beth Leipholtz Originally posted on The Fix Hibiscus : Prepared from the sepals of the hibiscus flower, it is helpful in weight management. viagra purchase uk He will help you to boost your sexual life with no artificial supports, for example Fezinil capsule minus negative reactions and other unnatural...
How Addiction Affects the Mind, Body and Soul
When addiction rears its ugly head, the mind, body and soul suffers. These aspects of one’s well-being are affected in various ways and can differ in each person. Identifying how addiction deteriorates each one of these areas will help you gauge how severe the addiction has gotten so that...
20 Things you Should Know About Recovery
1. Addiction is a brain disease. It is helpful to remember that addiction is a disease of the brain, like asthma is a disease of the lungs. Addiction is not a moral failing. You are not a bad or flawed person. However, the reality of most diseases, including addiction,...
Life Goals: Going Back to School After Recovery
When you make the decision to go back to school after addiction recovery, you may experience a wide range of feelings and emotions. One of the strongest and most common feelings you may experience is anxiety. Between new classes, an increased workload, exams, and interacting with people who might...
Meet Jeff. This is His Story.
Hi, I’m an alcoholic and my name is Jeff. I wasn’t comfortable saying those words for a very long time. I didn’t want them to be true. I didn’t want to be different from my friends and family. I didn’t want to have a disease. Growing up needing nothing,...
10 Tips for a Sober New Years
According to a 2011 feature in TIME magazine, New Year’s Eve ranks number one in the list of the “booziest” holidays of the year. It is the holiday when people consume the most alcohol, and is also one of the holidays with the highest rates of drunk driving accidents...
Meditation: A Powerful Tool for Recovery
In 12-Step recovery, Step 11 is devoted to the use of prayer and meditation. Early in recovery, many addicts will read a book that has a spiritual message and call that meditation. While they may devote long periods of time to the practice of prayer, not all addicts in...
How to Set (and Achieve) Your Recovery Goals
While staying on the course of a long-term objective can be challenging for almost everyone, a goal to change bad habits often carries more weight for an individual recovering from addiction. Many, if not all, of the goal setting people in recovery make are centered around the ultimate goal of staying sober....