A stigma follows those who go to drug or alcohol treatment for addiction, which can make it extremely difficult for them to move on after rehab and gain employment to support themselves and their families legally. Many addicts feel like they have to lie in order to even have...
seeking help
Romance and Sobriety: When Is it Time to Try?
It’s normal in early recovery to feel lonely and want to get close to another person. For many, this means dating. But is looking for a new relationship, or just playing the field in early recovery, a wise thing to do? How do you know when it’s okay for...
How to Build and Maintain a Solid Support System in Recovery
Excerpts Originally posted by Promises on May 17th, 2010 An estimated 10 million people are currently in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs in Canada. They face myriad issues every day, any one of which can propel them headlong into relapse. Unfortunately, far too many of them will....
7 Spiritual Principles to Help In Recovery
Drug and alcohol addiction affects more than just your social and family life. It affects all aspects of your health as well. If you have considered entering a recovery program, you may have wondered how you will be able to remain sober after completing the treatment. Many addictions are...
Good Grief: Navigating Loss When Battling Addiction & Recovery
When a loved one passes away, most people will fall into a state of depression. Anger and aggression is common, and many will lash out at those around them. These are normal stages as it is a time of high sensitivity and intense pain. However, for someone battling addiction and in...
Pins & Needles: Acupuncture in Addiction Recovery.
Acupuncture has been widely accepted as a safe treatment for chronic pain, relief of asthma, arthritis, nausea, and morning sickness by medical professionals across the globe for generations. But once brushed off by the Western medical community as a recovery method, acupuncture therapy is now being used as a...
Overcoming Addiction: How to Seek Help
Originally posted by Fizznich @ Always new You Battling an addiction is both scary and overwhelming. We struggle to get past what binds us, but often times it can seem impossible. Learn why overcoming addiction is so difficult. Through the experience of others you can learn how to free...